02. [Optional] Beta Test our Upcoming C++ Course

Good news!

In the time between filming the opening videos for this course and releasing it, we've begun work on a new C++ course, C++ for Programmers ! This course is designed to help developers who are C++ neophytes quickly spin up with the language.

We're giving you early access! We see this as a win-win - you get a C++ course and we get beta testers!

In order for you to fulfill your role as a beta tester, we need to you give us your feedback! The course is not complete, which means that you may find bugs or you may find areas where the course needs improvement. If you decide to work on C++ for Programmers , please email your feedback directly to Catherine Gamboa (catherine@udacity.com).

The next few quizzes in this lesson will challenge your knowledge of basic C++ to ensure that you're ready for the remaining lessons. Don't be scared, though! In the words of an early beta tester, "the C++ is oddly approachable 👍"

Ready to get started? Here's the link to C++ for Programmers [this link should open in a new tab, by the way].